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Two Arabic Students Intern at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Jakarta, 10 July 2024 – Two students of the UGM Arabic Study Program joined an internship program at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 3 months from April to June 2024. The two students were placed in two different directorates, namely the Directorate of Protocol and the Directorate of Protection of Indonesian Citizens (WNI).

The first student, Eurrydice Setianingroem was placed in the Protocol Directorate. During her Internship, Eurry was involved in various tasks related to diplomatic relations, diplomatic reception, and diplomatic administration. This experience is expected to provide practical insights into the way protocol is applied in various diplomatic events and activities. According to her, “Interning at the Protocol Directorate gave me the opportunity to see first-hand how diplomacy is carried out and meet important people of course. This experience is very valuable and I will make it a provision for my future career.”

Meanwhile, the second student, Aisyah Dina, was placed in the Directorate of Protection of Indonesian Citizens (WNI). Aisyah was involved in various aspects of protection and support for Indonesian citizens abroad, including handling cases, case documents and providing legal assistance. Aisyah gained an understanding and insight into the challenges faced by Indonesian citizens abroad especially in the Middle East and how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs plays a role in protecting their rights. This is in line with efforts to achieve SDG 16, namely peace, justice and strong institutions.

Dengan terlibat langsung dalam kegiatan di Kemenlu, kedua mahasiswa ini diharapkan dapat mengaplikasikan pengetahuan yang mereka peroleh di bangku kuliah ke dalam praktik nyata, serta mengembangkan keterampilan yang akan berguna dalam karier masa depan mereka. Mereka tidak hanya mendapatkan pengalaman praktis yang berharga, tetapi juga berkontribusi secara langsung dalam proses diplomasi dan perlindungan warga negara yang merupakan elemen penting dalam mencapai tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan.

By being directly involved in activities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, these two students are expected to apply the knowledge they have gained in college into real practice, as well as develop skills that will be useful in their future careers. They will not only gain valuable practical experience, but also contribute directly to the process of diplomacy and citizen protection, which are important elements in achieving sustainable development goals.

Arabic Study Program UGM Presents Practitioner Lecturer for Tourism Arabic Lecture

Yogyakarta, June 6, 2024 – The Arabic Study Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held an offline Tourism Arabic Lecture at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM. The lecture presented a practitioner from UGM Faculty of Cultural Sciences Alumni, Ghifari Yuristiadhi Masyhari Makhasi, S.S., M.A., M.M., C.H.E. who currently works as a Tourism Lecturer at UGM Vocational School. In this activity, Ghifari shared experiences and practical knowledge on how to become a proficient Arabic tour guide.

The students were very enthusiastic about the lecture, especially because they could directly interact with practitioners and get first-hand insight into the challenges and opportunities in the tourism industry using Arabic. Ghifari also provided a tour guide simulation, where students were invited to play the role of tour guides and tourists. With this lecture, students are expected to be better prepared for the world of work and have additional skills that can increase their competitiveness in the global market.

This lecture is part of the UGM Arabic Study Program’s efforts to improve the quality of education and curriculum relevance to industry needs.


NATIONAL SEMINAR: Mangayubagya Dr. Moh Masrukhi, M.Hum. “Arabic Language Development in Various Media”

Yogyakarta, June 4, 2024 – The UGM Arabic Study Program held a National Seminar on “Arabic Language Development in Various Media” which was held at Soegondo Building S709, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This event was held by the UGM Arabic Study Program as a form of respect and appreciation for the dedication given by Dr. Moh. Masrukhi, M.Hum., who has devoted himself for 35 years in the world of education.

The event was attended by Suray Agung Nugroho S.S., M.A., Ph.D., as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (online), Dr. Sudibyo, M.Hum., as Head of the Department of Language and Literature, Dr. Zulfa Purnamawati, S.S., M.Hum., as Head of the Arabic Study Program, lecturers and colleagues of Dr. Moh. Masrukhi, M.Hum., as well as students and alumni.

The event began with the opening by the MC, recitation of the holy verses of the Qur’an, singing Indonesia Raya and Gadjah Mada Hymn, remarks, National Seminar program, delivery of impressions and messages, tumpeng cutting procession, giving mementos, reading prayers together, and ending with closing.

The National Seminar “Arabic Language Development in Various Media” was hosted by Dr. Arief Ma’nawi, S.S., M.Hum. as moderator by presenting three speakers:

  1. Prof. Dr. Syamsul Hadi, S.U., M.A., discussed about “Form and Meaning in Fi’il Tsulatsi and Ruba’i”. He explained that the meaning and form of verbs in Arabic are very numerous and there are 58 forms that have never been revealed. This research will provide new convenience in the productivity of the formation of fi’il mazid. in terms of form and meaning, as well as in terms of meaning and form.
  2. Prof. Dr. H. Tulus Musthofa, Lc., M.A., with the topic “The Development of Semantics in Arabic in View of Modern Linguistics”, highlighted the development of new meanings in old words, when conditions and situations affect meaning, and also the many uses of language in different situations and uses.
  3. Dr. Moh. Masrukhi, M.Hum., who explained about “Verbal and Nonverbal Elements of Egyptian Print Media Commercial Advertisements: Discourse Analysis”, explained that every advertisement contains messages and meanings. Advertisements in Egypt besides having a semantic form, also have a semiotic form. Most magazine advertisements in Egypt do not express verbal elements, but express nonverbal elements. Ads also have nonverbal elements that can be interpreted contextually.

Through the National Seminar “Arabic Language Development in Various Media”, it is hoped that the research that has been carried out can be published and widely accessed and individual and institutional research cooperation will be stronger.

“Hacks to Preparing Your Future Career”: Career Seminar for Arabic Literature Students

Wednesday, November 1 2023 – Arabic Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM held an activity entitled “Hacks for Preparing Your Future Career”. In its implementation, the Arabic Literature Study Program collaborates with the Arabic Literature Student Association (IKMASA) and also presents resource persons who are experts in their fields.

Mrs. Dr. Zufa Purnamawati, M.Hum., Head of the Arabic Studies Program, conveyed the importance of preparing for a career from an early age. In line with that, he also said that readiness must always accompany opportunities that do not always come.

“Success in the future is not a sudden thing, but the result of what we have prepared from an early age.” He said in closing his speech.

This activity was formed in two different sessions and was guided by moderator Okta Kurnia, an Arabic Literature student class of 2022. The first session was a talk show with Pakde Rusbandi, a large businessman from Tegal who has dozens of companies under his control. operates in various sectors, such as mining, agriculture, health, and even Umrah travel.

Pakde Rusbandi conveyed his experience in the dynamics of achieving the career path he started from graduating from People’s School (SR) to STM Agriculture. After completing his formal education, he began his career as a ship captain and became a commissioner and director in several companies owned by him and his children.

Implicitly, he conveyed the importance of honesty, enthusiasm and commitment to work and prioritizing faith and devotion to Allah SWT. He emphasized this with his experience in undergoing every career stage that he has gone through so far. Not only that, forms of devotion and ta’dzim towards parents and teachers are the keys to his success to date.

Pakde Rusbandi’s career success cannot be separated from personal relationships with everyone. He said that building relationships must be established well with anyone without choosing and selecting friends.

“Establish love with anyone, from this world to the hereafter” He said in cover the material.

The next session is training “Crafting a Perfect CV” < span style=”font-weight: 400″>which was accompanied by Nifa Andriani, a 2015 Arabic Literature alumnus who is now HRD at a start-up company located in Jakarta. He said that there are three keys to success, namely: prayer, networking, and skill.

Before delivering the main material, Nifa talked about career opportunities and challenges for Arabic Literature graduates and as generation Z. Not only challenges from outside, but challenges also come from internal companies, such as: company expectations high, and the workload is more difficult.

After that, Nifa continued with what Arabic Literature students in particular had to do and face. There are several things that must be prepared, including: experience, sharpening skills, compiling an appropriate CV, drawing up a career plan, and looking for lots of friends as contacts/networking. Apart from that, according to an HR Specialist’s point of view, in worker selection there are three things that go through during selection and are called the Golden Circle /i> which contains CV, Interview, and Linkedin.

Nifa wrote on her slide, “A CV is like a brochure, the brand is yourself.”

By holding this career seminar, it is hoped that UGM Arabic Literature students will be better prepared and more mature in facing challenges in the career world when they graduate.

Author: Sabik Hikami

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