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Literacy Warrior

Born in Garut, West Java, on December 29, 1969. After graduating from the Faculty of Literature UGM, Sofian Munawar continued his master’s study in Political Science with a concentration on “Political Studies, Democracy and Human Rights”, a collaboration between the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM-UiO Norway. He has been a journalist and editor of several publications in Bandung and Jakarta. Won dozens of awards from various competitions and competitions for writing articles and essays at the national level. Involved in research and advocacy activities in several institutions, such as INTI Foundation, ISAI, DEMOS Association, Cendekia Foundation, Reform Institute, UNICEF, Transparency International Indonesia (TII), Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), and The Interseksi Foundation, in Jakarta. Since 2015 he has lived in Banjar City, has been a Commissioner of the KPU for Banjar City, and has established the Community Reading Room Foundation (YRBK). Currently, he is more active in social and educational activities, especially advocating the importance of a literacy culture. Hundreds of articles, essays, and writings have been published in several media as well as dozens of anthologies and books.

Fatah Sirojudin

Ezroq Application Owner

Fatah Sirojjuddin Fahmi
Born in Kudus on 19 November 1993, Fatah Sirojjuddin Fahmi is an alumnus of the Arabic Study Program FIB UGM in 2016 who is currently actively starting a startup called Ezroq Developer as a founder. Not far from his educational background at UGM, the startup he started currently focuses on digitizing Arabic language & literature teaching texts that have been widely used so far. Although relatively new, cumulatively, Ezroq Developer applications have been downloaded +100,000 times by users in +120 countries. In the future, he admitted that Ezroq Developer will add more products with a wider and varied market share reach.
Prior to studying at UGM, Fatah Sirojjuddin Fahmi completed his MI, MTs, and MA education at Madrasah Qudsiyyah Kauman Menara Kudus. He is currently studying as an android developer with the Digital Talent Scholarship program organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. In the world of work, he was involved as a researcher in the development of Google My Business, Product Consultant at PT. Accenture Indonesia, and R&D Staff at PT. Indratma Sahitaguna. During college, he was trusted as an expert on strategic studies at BEM KM UGM, general secretary of the UGM strategic study forum, the Yogyakarta Future Leaders Anti Corruption (FLAC) strategic study team, and a member of GMNI.

Behind The Scene Figure

Who doesn’t know Raffi Ahmad? A famous public figure who a few years ago married Nagita Slavina is now starting to become a famous YouTuber through some of the content on his youtube account. Behind the content he creates, of course, several people help make the content successful. One of them, namely Muthia Esfand.
Muthia Esfand is an alumnus of the Arabic Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, batch 2001 and was born in Denpasar on February 23, 1983. Became a book lover since being able to spell and read. His career in publishing began as a copy editor of the publisher Qultummedia, Agromedia Group after graduating from college in 2006. He then designed to travel to several cities in Indonesia while working as a freelancer. In 2010 he returned to the publishing world as an acquisition editor of Pustaka Alvabet with a specialization in history books, then became editor of the publisher Visimedia Pustaka, Agromedia Group (2011-2014) with a specialization in republishing classic literature on detective fiction and world history. Furthermore, in 2014 he crossed over to the publisher Ufuk Publishing House which had just broken up in a joint venture and then transformed Ufuk Fiction into a new publisher called Fantasies and became its editor-in-chief until 2017. Now his destiny is anchored in the entertainment world as Operations Manager of RANS Publisher under the management of Raffi Ahmad. and Nagita Slavina.
In between his time as a book worker he continues to pursue his hobby of writing biographies of Indonesian political figures with the TEMPO team, becoming a practical self-defence instructor for women, travelling to several countries that he has read about in books, and remains a member of an order for collecting books while opening doors. home to foreign travellers through the Couchsurfing community.

Suasana Kampus

Course Description

1) Contextual Religion (UNU1101), first semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory university courses aim to form students who are devoted to God Almighty so that they
can show religious attitudes and can see sociocultural phenomena from a spiritual perspective and
vice versa. This course utilises the lecture method, problem-based learning, discussion, with an
introduction to the Indonesian language and evaluation in the form of structured assignments,
papers, and portfolios.

2) Pancasila and Citizenship Education (UNU1202), second semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory university courses that aim to shape students to behave: uphold human values in
carrying out their duties based on morals and ethics; contribute to improving the quality of life in
society, nation, state and civilisation based on Pancasila; act as citizens who are proud and love their
homeland, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the country and nation; cooperate and
have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment; obey the law in the life of the
community and the state, by utilising the lecture method, discussion, problem-based learning,
collaborative learning with Indonesian language introduction and evaluation in the form of portfolios
and papers.

3) Indonesian Composition (UNU2303), third semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory university courses that aim to make students able to convey scientific ideas using
standard Indonesian language correctly and adequately and logically-systemically. This course utilises
lecture, discussion, and assignment methods with an introduction to the Indonesian language and
evaluation in structured assignments, final semester assignments, and papers.

4) KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata/Community Service Program) (UNU4500), seventh semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory university courses that aim to form students who can work together and have social
sensitivity and concern for society and the environment; capable of being responsible for the
achievement of group work and supervising and evaluating the completion of work assigned to
workers under their responsibility; and able to carry out the process of self-evaluation of the
workgroup under their obligation and able to manage to learn independently. This course utilises
survey methods, collaborative learning, and field practice with evaluations in diaries (portfolios),
observations, general tests, and activity reports.

5) Soft Skills (UNU2304), sixth semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory university courses that aim to internalise character and attitudes by UGM values;
academic values, norms, and ethics; and able to be responsible for their work, and can be given
responsibility for the achievement of the organisation’s work with independent learning methods
under the supervision of lecturers with an introduction to Indonesian language and evaluation in the
form of a portfolio.

6) Introduction to Cultural Studies (IBS1101), third semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory faculty courses aim to provide students with knowledge about the concept of culture as
a science so that students are sensitive to cultural phenomena. This course is delivered by combining
lectures, field observations, and discussion of cases of Indonesian cultural practices with Indonesian
language introduction and evaluation in the form of written exams, papers, and presentations.

7) Indonesian Cultural Practices (IBS1202), fourth semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory university courses that aim to shape students into individuals who are sensitive to
cultural phenomena through cultural practices in the form of batik, gamelan, dance, and drama by
utilising direct practice methods and with an introduction to the Indonesian language, as well as
evaluation in the form of practice.

8) English (IBS1103), fifth semester, 3 Credits
The faculty’s compulsory subjects aim to make students able to communicate in basic English and
understand English texts, with the following materials: listening, speaking, and reading. This course
is delivered using the communicative method, using a language laboratory with an English
introduction and evaluation in the form of a written exam.

9) Creative Indonesian (IBS2104), fifth semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory faculty courses aim to form students’ creative competence in writing by using Indonesian
language introduction and evaluation in the form of creative writing.

10) Academic Writing (IBS2205), sixth semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory faculty courses aim to provide skills in using good and correct English to write scientific
papers. This course utilises the drill method in writing practice, written criticism, and lectures with an
introduction to English and an evaluation in the form of a written exam.

11) Introduction to Multiculturalism (IBS2206), fourth semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory faculty courses that aim to make students have an attitude of appreciating the diversity
of ethnicities, cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as other people’s original opinions or
findings by using lecture methods, field observations, and discussing cases of Indonesian
multiculturalism practice with Indonesian language introduction. And evaluation in the form of
written exams, papers, and presentations.

12) Introduction to Linguistics and Literature (ISS1101), fourth semester, 4 Credits
Mandatory departmental courses that aim to provide basic knowledge of linguistics and literature by
utilising lecture, discussion, and assignment methods with an introduction to the Indonesian
language and evaluation in the form of written exams and papers.

13) Introduction to Globalization Theory (IAS1101), fifth semester, semester 2 Credits
The department’s compulsory course aims to provide knowledge about the principles of globalisation
and its theory by utilising the lecture, discussion, assignment method, introduction to the Indonesian
language and evaluation in the form of written exams and papers.

14) Khat (ABS1101), first semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses for study programs aim to make students skilled in writing Arabic correctly,
fluently, and well by utilising practical and imla methods. This course is delivered with an introduction
to the Indonesian language and uses practical and moral evaluations.

15) Tasrif (ABS1102), first semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs aim to make students skilled in doing and utilising Arabic word
changes by using the quiz and drill method with an introduction to Indonesian and Arabic. This course
uses evaluations in the form of an oral exam and a written exam.

16) Arabic Speaking I (ABS1103), first semester, 6 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs aim to lead students to listen and speak spoken Arabic well,
with material on various topics of dialogue, news, films, and speeches, with a drill and audio-visual
methods with an introduction to Arabic. This course is supported by non-credit co-curricular activities
equivalent to 3 credits and evaluation in oral exams and written exams.

17) Arabic Speaking II (ABS1203), second semester, 6 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs aim to lead students to master spoken Arabic well for
presentations, speeches, and debates on various topics, with presentation, speech and debate
methods with an introduction to Arabic. This course is supported by non-credit co-curricular activities
equivalent to 3 credits and evaluation in oral exams and written exams.

18) Arabic Writing I (ABS1104), first semester, 6 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to lead students to be able to write Arabic script read
Arabic texts in the form of dialogues, books, and narrative texts, as well as write descriptive and
narrative texts, using drill, scanning and skimming methods, recitation, and assignments. With an
introduction to Indonesian and Arabic. This course is supported by non-credit co-curricular activities
equivalent to 3 credits and evaluation in the form of a written exam.

19) Arabic Writing II (ABS2304), second semester, 6 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to lead students to be able to read news texts and
articles without letters, as well as write argumentative and analytical texts, with the following
materials: various news texts and reports, using skimming, recitation, and assignment methods with
an introduction to Arabic. This course is supported by non-credit co-curricular activities equivalent to
3 credits and evaluation in the form of a written exam.

20) Arabic Morphology (ABS2305), second semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to lead students to master knowledge in the field of
Arabic morphemes and be able to transfer their knowledge to other parties by utilising lecture
methods, discussions, presentations with Arabic introduction and evaluation in the form of quizzes,
structured assignments, and written exams.

21) Arabic Syntax (ABS2306), second semester, 4 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to lead students to master knowledge in the field of
Arabic grammar and be able to transfer their knowledge to other parties by utilising lecture,
discussion, and presentation methods, with an introduction to Arabic. This course is supported by
non-credit co-curricular activities equivalent to 2 credits and evaluation in quizzes, structured
assignments, and written exams.

22) Arabic Sociolinguistics (ABS2406), third semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge regarding the use of language in
social society. This course utilises the lecture method and text study with an introduction to Arabic
and evaluation in the form of quizzes, structured assignments, and written exams.

23) Translation (ABS2407), third semester, 6 Credits
Compulsory courses for study programs aim to provide knowledge regarding the basic concepts of
translation and intermediate level Arabic-Indonesian and Indonesian-Arabic translation skills. This
course utilises lecture methods, identification, and exercises with the Indonesian language of
instruction. It is supported by non-credit co-curricular activities equivalent to 3 credits and
evaluations in structured assignments, final semester assignments, and written exams.

24) Arabic Stylistics (ABS3608), sixth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge of various styles of Arabic with
lecture, discussion, and identification methods with Indonesian introduction and evaluation in the
form of structured assignments, quizzes, and written exams.

25) Arabic Literature (ABS2410), fourth semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to provide knowledge regarding modern and
contemporary Arabic literature, figures and their works, with lecture, discussion, and internet use
methods, with Indonesian language introduction and evaluation in the form of structured
assignments, quizzes, portfolios, and written exams.

26) History of Arabic Literature (ABS3510), third semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to provide knowledge regarding the history of Arabic
literature from pre-Islamic to contemporary times, with lectures, discussions, presentations, research
and service methods, as well as the use of the internet with an introduction to the Indonesian
language and evaluations in the form of structured assignments, quizzes, portfolios, and written

27) Arabic Literature Genre (ABS3511), fourth semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to provide knowledge of the variety of Arabic
literature, its characteristics, and its development, using lecture, discussion, research and service
methods with an introduction to the Indonesian language and evaluation in the form of structured
assignments, quizzes, portfolios, and papers.

28) Arabic Literature Translation (ABS3512), sixth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to provide knowledge about translated Arabic
literature and various approaches to it using lecture, discussion, and lecture methods, presentation
and introduction to Indonesian and Arabic. This course utilises evaluations in the form of structured
assignments and papers.

29) Arabic Culture (ABS3513), fourth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to provide knowledge regarding Arabic culture using
lectures, discussions, presentations, and dedications with Indonesian language introduction and
evaluation in the form of portfolios and papers.

30) Arabic Linguistics (ABS2414), fourth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to deliver students to master knowledge in the field
of Arabic and be able to transfer their knowledge to other parties. This course is delivered using
lecture, discussion, and research and evaluation methods in the form of structured assignments,
papers, and written exams.

31) Theory and Methods of Language Research (ABS3615), sixth semester, 3 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to deliver students to master the basic theoretical
and methodological concepts in the Arabic language field by utilising lecture, discussion, research
and presentation methods, with Indonesian language introduction and evaluation in the form of
structured assignments and papers.

32) Theory and Methods of Literary Research (ABS3616), sixth semester, 4 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to lead students to master theoretical and
methodological basic concepts in Arabic literature by utilising lecture, discussion, research and
presentation methods, with Indonesian language introduction and evaluation in the form of
structured assignments and papers.

33) Theory and Methods of Cultural Study (ABS3617), sixth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to lead students to master basic theoretical and
methodological concepts in Arabic culture by utilising lecture, discussion, research and presentation
methods, with Indonesian language introduction and evaluation in the form of structured
assignments and papers.

34) Information Technology (ABS3518), third semester, 4 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to provide knowledge and skills in the use of
information technology regarding learning, reference searching, archiving, related to plagiarism,
marketing, and presentations using demonstration, practice, and presentation methods with an
introduction to the Indonesian language and evaluation in the form of structured assignments and
final assignments semester.

35) Entrepreneurship and Self- Development (ABS3519), seventh semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses for study programs that aim to form students with leadership, managerial, and
responsibility skills in the implementation and development of service programs using the lecture
method, project method (the task of designing a business from planning to marketing), and
presentations equipped with non-formal internships. Credits, with an introduction to the Indonesian
language and evaluation in the form of apprenticeship scores and design results.

36) Arab Geoculture and Geopolitics (ABS3620), fifth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses concentrate on study programs that aim to provide knowledge regarding Arab
geopolitics and geo culture, with lecture, discussion, and presentation methods, with Indonesian
language introduction and evaluation in structured assignments and written exams.

37) International Relations and Diplomacy (ABS3620), fifth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses concentrate on study programs that provide knowledge and skills regarding
international relations and diplomacy using lectures, discussions, and presentations. This course is
delivered with an introduction to the Indonesian language and evaluation in the form of structured
assignments and written exams.

38) Da’wah (ABS4722), fifth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses concentrate on study programs that aim to provide knowledge and skills in
designing, implementing, and developing da’wah services using lecture, discussion, research, and
practice methods, with an introduction to the Indonesian language and evaluation in the form of
portfolios and techniques of da’wah designs.

39) Foreign Language Teaching Method (ABS4723), fifth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses concentrate on study programs that aim to provide knowledge and skills to
design, implement, and develop services in the form of teaching foreign languages, using lecture and
micro-teaching methods, with Indonesian language introduction and evaluation in the form of
learning designs and practices.

40) Theory of Translation (ABS3624), fifth semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses concentrate on study programs that aim to provide knowledge about the
concepts of translation and their use using lecture, discussion, and research methods with an
introduction to Indonesian and evaluation in the form of structured assignments, papers, and written

41) Translation Practice (ABS4725), fifth semester, 6 Credits
Compulsory courses concentrate on study programs that aim to provide skills in translating various
objects of translation in books, turats, literature, news, articles, advertisements, manuals, and
subtitles. This course is delivered using discussion and practice methods with an introduction to
Indonesian and evaluation in the form of structured assignments and assessment of translation

42) Proposal Seminar (ABS4726), seventh semester, 2 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge and skills in making thesis
proposals using lecture, practice, presentation methods, with Indonesian language introduction and
evaluation in the form of papers.

43) Undergraduate Thesis (ABS4827), eighth semester, 6 Credits
Compulsory courses of study programs that aim to be able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and
innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology
that pays attention to and uses humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise; able to
demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance; able to examine the implications
of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies
the values of the humanities in accordance with their expertise based on scientific principles,
procedures and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism, compose a
scientific description of the results of their studies in the form of a thesis or final project report , and
upload it on the college website; compiling a scientific explanation of the results of the studies
mentioned above in the form of a thesis or final project report, and uploading it on the university’s
website; able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in their area of
expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis; able to maintain and develop a
network with supervisors, colleagues, colleagues both inside and outside the institution. The method
used is a consultative and evaluation method in a thesis and a thesis exam.

44) Caligraphy (ABS1228), second semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge and skills of Arabic calligraphy art with
lecture and practical methods, delivered in Indonesian and evaluation in the form of assessment of
calligraphy works.

45) Colloquial Arabic (ABS2329), third semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge regarding Arabic dialects with lecture,
drill, text identification, and practice methods with Arabic introduction and evaluation in the form of
oral and written exams.

46) Hebrew (ABS1230), third semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses of study programs that aim to provide knowledge regarding Hebrew as a foreign
language other than the language studied by utilising lecture, drill, and practical methods¸ with
Indonesian introduction and evaluation in the form of oral and written exams.

47) Turkish Language and Culture (ABS1231), third semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge regarding the Turkish language and
culture as a foreign language other than the language being studied by utilising lecture, drill, and practical methods¸ with an introduction to Indonesian and evaluation in the form of oral and written exams.

48) Russian Language and Culture (ABS1232), third semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge regarding the Russian language and
culture as a foreign language other than the language being studied by utilising lecture, drill, and
practical methods¸ with Indonesian introduction and evaluation in the form of oral and written

49) Arabic Phonology (ABS2333), second semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses for study programs aim to provide knowledge regarding Arabic phonetics and
phonology using lecture and practical methods, with an introduction to Arabic and evaluation in the
form of a written exam.

50) Arabic Semantics (ABS2434), fourth semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses for study programs that aim to provide knowledge of the lexical and grammatical
meanings of Arabic using lecture, discussion, and research methods with Indonesian introduction and
evaluation in the form of structured assignments and written exams.

51) Arudh and Qafiyah (ABS3535), fifth semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses of study programs that aim to provide knowledge about rhythm and rhyme in
traditional and modern Arabic poetry with the lecture method and identification with Arabic
introduction and evaluation in the form of structured assignments, portfolios, and written exams.

52) Arabic Independent-Learning (ABS3536), fifth semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses for study programs that aim to build student skills can manage learning in the Arabic
language independently with independent learning methods and regular monitoring with an
introduction to Arabic and Indonesian. This course utilises evaluations in the form of lesson plans,
portfolios, oral exams, and written exams.

53) Text Editing (ABS2337), fourth semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses for study programs aim to provide Arabic and Indonesian text editing skills with
lecture and practical methods with Indonesian introduction and evaluation in the form of written

54) Theory and Practice of Tourism (ABS2439), fourth semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge regarding the principles of tourism
service business in Arabic culture, with lecture and practise methods, and delivered with an
introduction to the Indonesian language and evaluation in the form of practice and portfolios.

55) Mass Communication (ABS3639), sixth semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge and skills of mass communication with
lecture and practice methods with an introduction to the Indonesian language and evaluation in the
form of practical and written exams.

56) Introduction to Islamic Economics (ABS3641), sixth semester, 2 Credits
Elective courses of study programs aim to provide knowledge of the basics of Islamic economics and
its practice in Indonesia with lecture and discussion methods. This course utilises evaluations in the
form of structured assignments and written exams.

57) Cross-Cluster Elective Courses
Compulsory university courses aim to enrich students’ insights into multidisciplinary science with
appropriate methods. Learning methods, the language of instruction, and forms of evaluation adjust.