

Life in Politics

Dr. Hajriyanto Y. Thohari is an alumnus of Arabic Literature Study Program in 1985. Even though he is based on literature, his career is more prominent in the political field. Currently, he is the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in an Arab country, Lebanon. Apart from being active in politics, he is also a Muhammadiyah cadre who is known to be critical. Born in Karanganyar, on June 26, 1960, he was Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly for the period 2009–2014 from the Golkar Party.

According to the impression of Dr Amir Ma’ruf, the current Head of the Arabic Literature Study Program who became a scholar of his older generation when he studied Arabic Literature, Mr Hajriyanto has a simple communication style and has good lobbying skills. He also has a sharp sensitivity and critical power in responding to a thing or phenomenon with the privilege of assessing that everything is not always black and white; wrong right.

If according to Dr Hindun, a classmate of his, since he was a student, Pak Hajriyanto was indeed a ‘talking very talker’ person, a cool orator, even being dubbed a copy of Pak Ali Murtopo or Pak Harmoko, two national politicians who are famous for ‘talking a lot as well. He was once a lecturer at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Semarang, but it seems that the profession does not accommodate his talents and interests. Subsequently, he was active in the Muhammadiyah religious organization and became the chairman of PP Muhammadiyah.

Another testimony from Abdul Jawat, M. Hum. who stated that Pak Hajriyanto likes to collect novels from world writers, maybe even more than political books. For Pak Hajriyanto, novels provide inspiration and inspiration for the political problems he faces. “Politics is my daily food and novels provide solutions.”


Literacy Warrior

Born in Garut, West Java, on December 29, 1969. After graduating from the Faculty of Literature UGM, Sofian Munawar continued his master’s study in Political Science with a concentration on “Political Studies, Democracy and Human Rights”, a collaboration between the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM-UiO Norway. He has been a journalist and editor of several publications in Bandung and Jakarta. Won dozens of awards from various competitions and competitions for writing articles and essays at the national level. Involved in research and advocacy activities in several institutions, such as INTI Foundation, ISAI, DEMOS Association, Cendekia Foundation, Reform Institute, UNICEF, Transparency International Indonesia (TII), Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), and The Interseksi Foundation, in Jakarta. Since 2015 he has lived in Banjar City, has been a Commissioner of the KPU for Banjar City, and has established the Community Reading Room Foundation (YRBK). Currently, he is more active in social and educational activities, especially advocating the importance of a literacy culture. Hundreds of articles, essays, and writings have been published in several media as well as dozens of anthologies and books.

Fatah Sirojudin

Ezroq Application Owner

Fatah Sirojjuddin Fahmi
Born in Kudus on 19 November 1993, Fatah Sirojjuddin Fahmi is an alumnus of the Arabic Study Program FIB UGM in 2016 who is currently actively starting a startup called Ezroq Developer as a founder. Not far from his educational background at UGM, the startup he started currently focuses on digitizing Arabic language & literature teaching texts that have been widely used so far. Although relatively new, cumulatively, Ezroq Developer applications have been downloaded +100,000 times by users in +120 countries. In the future, he admitted that Ezroq Developer will add more products with a wider and varied market share reach.
Prior to studying at UGM, Fatah Sirojjuddin Fahmi completed his MI, MTs, and MA education at Madrasah Qudsiyyah Kauman Menara Kudus. He is currently studying as an android developer with the Digital Talent Scholarship program organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. In the world of work, he was involved as a researcher in the development of Google My Business, Product Consultant at PT. Accenture Indonesia, and R&D Staff at PT. Indratma Sahitaguna. During college, he was trusted as an expert on strategic studies at BEM KM UGM, general secretary of the UGM strategic study forum, the Yogyakarta Future Leaders Anti Corruption (FLAC) strategic study team, and a member of GMNI.

Behind The Scene Figure

Who doesn’t know Raffi Ahmad? A famous public figure who a few years ago married Nagita Slavina is now starting to become a famous YouTuber through some of the content on his youtube account. Behind the content he creates, of course, several people help make the content successful. One of them, namely Muthia Esfand.
Muthia Esfand is an alumnus of the Arabic Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM, batch 2001 and was born in Denpasar on February 23, 1983. Became a book lover since being able to spell and read. His career in publishing began as a copy editor of the publisher Qultummedia, Agromedia Group after graduating from college in 2006. He then designed to travel to several cities in Indonesia while working as a freelancer. In 2010 he returned to the publishing world as an acquisition editor of Pustaka Alvabet with a specialization in history books, then became editor of the publisher Visimedia Pustaka, Agromedia Group (2011-2014) with a specialization in republishing classic literature on detective fiction and world history. Furthermore, in 2014 he crossed over to the publisher Ufuk Publishing House which had just broken up in a joint venture and then transformed Ufuk Fiction into a new publisher called Fantasies and became its editor-in-chief until 2017. Now his destiny is anchored in the entertainment world as Operations Manager of RANS Publisher under the management of Raffi Ahmad. and Nagita Slavina.
In between his time as a book worker he continues to pursue his hobby of writing biographies of Indonesian political figures with the TEMPO team, becoming a practical self-defence instructor for women, travelling to several countries that he has read about in books, and remains a member of an order for collecting books while opening doors. home to foreign travellers through the Couchsurfing community.