Wednesday, November 1 2023 – Arabic Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM held an activity entitled “Hacks for Preparing Your Future Career”. In its implementation, the Arabic Literature Study Program collaborates with the Arabic Literature Student Association (IKMASA) and also presents resource persons who are experts in their fields.
Mrs. Dr. Zufa Purnamawati, M.Hum., Head of the Arabic Studies Program, conveyed the importance of preparing for a career from an early age. In line with that, he also said that readiness must always accompany opportunities that do not always come.
“Success in the future is not a sudden thing, but the result of what we have prepared from an early age.” He said in closing his speech.
This activity was formed in two different sessions and was guided by moderator Okta Kurnia, an Arabic Literature student class of 2022. The first session was a talk show with Pakde Rusbandi, a large businessman from Tegal who has dozens of companies under his control. operates in various sectors, such as mining, agriculture, health, and even Umrah travel.
Pakde Rusbandi conveyed his experience in the dynamics of achieving the career path he started from graduating from People’s School (SR) to STM Agriculture. After completing his formal education, he began his career as a ship captain and became a commissioner and director in several companies owned by him and his children.
Implicitly, he conveyed the importance of honesty, enthusiasm and commitment to work and prioritizing faith and devotion to Allah SWT. He emphasized this with his experience in undergoing every career stage that he has gone through so far. Not only that, forms of devotion and ta’dzim towards parents and teachers are the keys to his success to date.
Pakde Rusbandi’s career success cannot be separated from personal relationships with everyone. He said that building relationships must be established well with anyone without choosing and selecting friends.
“Establish love with anyone, from this world to the hereafter” He said in cover the material.

The next session is training “Crafting a Perfect CV” < span style=”font-weight: 400″>which was accompanied by Nifa Andriani, a 2015 Arabic Literature alumnus who is now HRD at a start-up company located in Jakarta. He said that there are three keys to success, namely: prayer, networking, and skill.
Before delivering the main material, Nifa talked about career opportunities and challenges for Arabic Literature graduates and as generation Z. Not only challenges from outside, but challenges also come from internal companies, such as: company expectations high, and the workload is more difficult.
After that, Nifa continued with what Arabic Literature students in particular had to do and face. There are several things that must be prepared, including: experience, sharpening skills, compiling an appropriate CV, drawing up a career plan, and looking for lots of friends as contacts/networking. Apart from that, according to an HR Specialist’s point of view, in worker selection there are three things that go through during selection and are called the Golden Circle /i> which contains CV, Interview, and Linkedin.
Nifa wrote on her slide, “A CV is like a brochure, the brand is yourself.”

By holding this career seminar, it is hoped that UGM Arabic Literature students will be better prepared and more mature in facing challenges in the career world when they graduate.
Author: Sabik Hikami
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