To obtain the degree of bachelor in Arabic, each student has to finish and get at least 144 credits / 216 ECTS (111 credits for compulsory courses and 33 credits for elective courses) in four years. In addition, this study program also provides the students to finish their studies in three and a half years. The compulsory courses distribution per semester can be seen in the following tables:
Students can choose elective courses that have been divided into each semester below:
Regarding information on the curriculum and syllabus of study programs, students can access it via the following link:
The ASP uses the “Freedom to Learn-Independent Campus” (MBKM) program as one of the learning methods for its students. MBKM is a comprehensive career preparation program and is part of the policy of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. In the MBKM program, students have the opportunity to gain knowledge, experience, and skills outside of the usual learning methods. MBKM offers various programs, including:
The MBKM Internship Program provides opportunities for students to intern at relevant institutions. The goal is for students to be able to apply the theories learned in lectures into practice.
Independent study provides students with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills through activities outside of regular lectures, which still count as part of the curriculum. These activities, which last one to two semesters, can include working on innovative projects individually or in teams, participating in departmental projects or activities, or participating in national or international competitions.
In the research program, students can participate in research projects at research institutions. Through this program, students can hone their skills, gain experience and hone their data analysis skills.
The IISMA (Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards) program provides students with the opportunity to study for 1 semester at a university abroad to gain new knowledge and experience while living in another country.
Through teaching activities in elementary and middle schools, students have the opportunity to share their knowledge and motivate students at these levels of education.
An opportunity for students to study at different universities, while getting to know the diversity of Indonesian culture and expanding their network of friends with fellow students from various universities.
This program helps students’ interest in entrepreneurship, which can increase capacity, add experience, and innovate to create sustainable businesses.
Students have the opportunity to participate in advancing and empowering communities in villages, and at the same time, they also gain direct learning from interactions with village communities.
This program provides opportunities for students to design and implement humanitarian activities in order to address social problems.
Programs that have been done by students can be claimed as semester credits through the recognition scheme. This mechanism opens up opportunities for student activities outside the campus to be equalized in credits.
Requirements for Filling Out the Study Plan Card:
Grading Indicators
Academic leave is only permitted if the student has written approval from the Dean or Rector. If the academic leave exceeds two years, whether consecutive or not, the student must submit a leave request to the Rector with a copy to the Dean. The academic leave period is not counted as active study time in relation to the study duration limit. During the academic leave, the student is not required to pay tuition fees (SPP).
Students are not allowed to take academic leave before the evaluation of the first four semesters. If there are specific reasons (such as pregnancy, childbirth, illness requiring hospitalization), and these reasons are approved by the Rector, academic leave may be granted. However, the leave period will still be counted as active study time and will be used in the evaluation process.
At the beginning of every semester, the Arabic Study Program regularly organizes a public lecture featuring alumni as guest speakers. This event aims to inspire students and showcase the diverse career opportunities available to Arabic Study Program graduates.
Visiting Professor is an expert lecture that presents leading experts in the field of Arabic language, literature, and culture. This activity aims to broaden the scientific insights of lecturers and students through academic discussions.
Every year, the Arabic Study Program organizes research and community service activities funded by the university, involving students as part of academic development and social contribution. These activities are designed to provide students with hands-on experience in applying their knowledge of Arabic language, literature, and culture in real-life social contexts.
The Arabic Study Program facilitates students in participating in various competitions. For undergraduate students who have achieved achievements at the provincial to international levels, they can claim competition incentives to universities through simaster by following these steps:
Every semester, the Arabic Study Program regularly organizes field trips for certain courses. This activity aims to provide students with the opportunity to apply the theories learned in class to practical situations.
Student Association of Arabic Study Program (IKMASA) is a student association of the Arabic study program at UGM which is a forum for students to practice leadership skills, work together, and be creative in arts and sports. This organization was founded on Thursday, October 28, 1976 under the name Student Association of Arabic Study Program (IKMASA) which was later changed to the Student Association of West Asian Literature (IMABA), then back to the IKMASA on Sunday, December 11, 2016.
Students are guided by a Final Project Supervisor during the completion of their final project. The assignment of final project supervisors is determined by the study program based on the substance of the submitted final project proposal. Before starting the supervision process, students are required to input their final project data and submit it through
The supervision schedule is determined based on an agreement between the supervisor and the student. For each supervision session, students must record the session details in their account on These supervision records will later be monitored by the Final Project Supervisor through the same platform.
Committee Stage
Note: The committee review process takes approximately 10 days from the date the final project is submitted to the program administrator.
Examination Stage
Note: The final project exam schedule will be announced no later than three days before the exam date.
Contact Service
Arabic Study Program Administrator
Arabic Study Program Email
Academic FIB UGM
Academic FIB UGM Email
Students are declared to have graduated from the Undergraduate Program if they meet the following requirements:
The graduation predicate is given in five levels, namely summa cumlaude, magna cumlaude, cumlaude, very satisfactory, satisfactory, and good. Meanwhile, the graduation predicate with honors consists of cumlaude, magna cumlaude, and summa cumlaude. The graduation predicate with honors is given to graduates who meet the requirements:
The following are the graduation predicates at Gadjah Mada University (The Rector Regulation 23/2004):
If no course is to be removed:
If a course needs to be removed:
Prepare the following digital documents:
Submit all files by the 20th of each month. If the date falls on a holiday, submissions should be made on the next working day.
The undergraduate graduation ceremony at UGM is held four times a year, in February, May, August, and November. Students can begin the process of completing the administrative requirements for graduation at the Faculty after submitting the undergraduate thesis. Students who do not submit their thesis are not eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony and will not receive their diploma or transcript.
The administrative requirements for graduation at the Faculty include the following:
Once all administrative requirements are completed, students will be officially declared as candidates for graduation and can proceed to the next steps in the graduation process.
The Arabic Study Program and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada regularly conduct satisfaction surveys to improve the services provided to all stakeholders. This survey focuses on student satisfaction.
This Survey seeks to provide various constructive inputs and suggestions, especially related to student experiences during the learning process, administrative services, and various faculty facilities available. The input provided is the basis for service and curriculum development. Students can fill in the survey link at the following link
This diagram represents the results of a recent survey conducted by the Arabic Study Program in 2024 regarding student satisfaction with facilities and infrastructure. This covers several aspects, ranging from open spaces to buildings. Most respondents were satisfied overall, although one point of concern was the prayer room, where 20% of students expressed dissatisfaction. This figure shows the need for improvement of these facilities. On the other hand, in aspects such as internet access, the library, front office, and laboratories, 45-50% of students were very satisfied. Overall, students feel that the facilities and other infrastructure are adequate.
The Arabic Study Program consistently strives to provide adequate facilities and infrastructure by reporting survey results to the Faculty of Cultural Sciences. For example, one of the facilities that received a “dissatisfied” rating compared to other facilities is the prayer room. Initial steps that have been planned include reconstructing the prayer room to create a more comfortable and adequate space for students. In addition to addressing the prayer room issue, the faculty is also working to maintain and improve highly appreciated facilities, such as libraries and laboratories. Technology and service enhancements are also being improved in various aspects. With the collaboration between students, study programs, and faculty, a conducive and quality learning environment will continue to be realized.
Student Satisfaction of Management Study Program: Overview and Improvement Efforts
The 2024 survey conducted by the Study Program showed student satisfaction with the management study program in four main variables: empathy, assurance, responsiveness, and reliability. The results showed that the majority of students were “satisfied” (46-50%) across all variables, with assurance being the variable most widely rated as “very satisfied” (46.19%). However, each variable still had a number of respondents who rated it “neutral.”
The Study Program is committed to continuous quality improvement through annual management review meetings/Rapat Tinjauan Manajemen (RTM). Feedback from students becomes the basis for designing improvement programs, such as the “Crafting the Perfect CV” seminar tailored to their needs.
In addition, the Arabic Study Program continuously strives to improve communication and administration between lecturers and students so that students can solve academic and non-academic problems with optimal support. The Arabic Study Program hopes to create a better learning experience every year with this approach.